Masque Protection CCM Game-on / Joueur

Prix : $19,99

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CCM is the leader in the new reality of returning to play. With players longing to play again and get back to their training, practices and leagues, CCM wants to help make that happen as safely as possible. CCM is introducing the first face cover built for on-ice play. Compatible for both full shields and cage, along with a separate goalie version, CCM’s new Game On Mask is designed to >help players have a safer return to the ice. With the Game On Mask, players have an added protective barrier that also increases the protection from contamination of those around them, all while allowing for the breathability needed for on-ice play.

This product does not eliminate the risk of inbound or outbound contagion, nor is any fitness for purpose warranty made in respect of the protection granted by this product.

À propos

Entreprise familiale établie depuis 1992, LAVOIE LA SOURCE DU SPORT a été inauguré par l'ancien gardien de but professionnel Yves Lavoie. Que ce soit pour de l’équipement de hockey, de vélo, de baseball, de soccer ou autres, nos experts saurons vous conseillers!


  • (450) 371-1633
  • 900 boul. Mgr Langlois Salaberry-De-Valleyfield, Quebec

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