Balle Theragun Standard

Prix : $24,99
Modèle : STDBALL Disponibilité : En Stock
Quantité :
The Standard Ball combines a smaller surface area and medium impact level to deliver a more targeted percussive therapy treatment while still allowing for broad use on small and large muscle groups. We recommend this attachment for quick re-activation and flushing lactic acid from your muscles during a workout.

The Standard Ball attachment is specifically designed for overall use on both large and small muscle groups. With a smaller shape and higher impact level than the Dampener, it is a more targeted option for overall use and is your go-to attachment during a workout.
Made of comfortable closed-cell PU foam
Easy to clean for a hygienic experience
Won’t absorb sweat, lotions, or oils
Compatible with PRO, Elite, Prime, mini, G3PRO, G3

À propos

Entreprise familiale établie depuis 1992, LAVOIE LA SOURCE DU SPORT a été inauguré par l'ancien gardien de but professionnel Yves Lavoie. Que ce soit pour de l’équipement de hockey, de vélo, de baseball, de soccer ou autres, nos experts saurons vous conseillers!


  • (450) 371-1633
  • 900 boul. Mgr Langlois Salaberry-De-Valleyfield, Quebec

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